Anna's Fundraiser for St Croix Therapy

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

St Croix Therapy
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Donate to support families with kids of all abilities.


raised by 0 people

$500 goal

You never expect your child to have special needs. When Finley was born, I had no idea what life would be like for us. All we could find was horror stories about other children with her diagnoses. We were lucky - we had a social worker at the time who introduced us to Birth to three services. Here we met with a physical therapist who would come to our home for sessions once or twice a week. Funny story was, I knew this woman. She had come to visit my uncle, when I was a child myself, for physical therapy sessions. She was so wonderful then - allowing all us kids to help and make it fun experience for him and us all. Here we were, all these years later, and she's working with MY daughter. I learned that she was based out of St Croix Therapy, and the rest in history. Finley has been attending therapies at SCT since she was three years old and has hit goals that I never expected from her. I've watched her grow socially, emotionally, and learn to walk without using ANY of her aiding devices. Recently, I've had the opportunity to join their team as a care specialist. I have been having the best time getting to know these kiddos and their families. Watching them grow and be so proud of themselves when they're able to reach their goals has been beyond rewarding for me. St Croix Therapy has been such a rock throughout my life as a mother. Now, I can also say, that they've given me the chance to grow within myself. The therapists are lovely and all work together, regardless of discipline, to ensure that your child gets quality treatments and they genuinely care. Please join us in building a brighter, stronger, healthier, and more inclusive future for our children. 

This fundraiser supports

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St Croix Therapy

Organized By Brianna Spielman

Giving Activity


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